Cohoweb Data Explorer - Near-Earth Heliosphere Data - Goddard Space Flight Center
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Interface to produce Plots, listings, output files

This page provides the ability to plot or list (or create a file of) any selection of the Voyager1 parameters listed below,

Note: Voyager magnetometer data past 1989 must be used very carefully due to the very low magnetic field values being measured as compared to the pre-launch magnetometer accuracy requirements. Please click here for details.
Original plasma data are at: and ( full version)

To avoid misinterpretation, we provide plot option for mag field automatically with uncertanties. See plotting options at the bottom of this page to remove that uncertanties from plot option.

*Select an activity

Plot data List data Create file

*Select resolution
     Hourly averaged Daily averaged

Click here to get time spans for individual parameters.
*Enter start and stop dates (Use Year, Month, Day YYYYMMDD or Year Day_of_year YYYYDOY)
    Start      Stop

* Select variable
Position in HGI
Heliocentric Distance (start of data interval), AU
HelioGraphic Inertial (HGI) Latitude, deg.
HGI Longitude, deg.
Magnetic field in RTN
IMF BR in RTN(Radial-Tangential-Normal) coordinate system, nT
IMF Magnitude (average of fine scale magnitudes), nT
Plasma in RTN
Proton Flow Speed, km/sec
Proton Flow Elevation Angle/Latitude, (RTN), deg.
Proton Flow Azimuth Angle/Longitude (RTN), deg.
Proton Density, n/cc
Proton Temperature, K

LECP Proton fluxes (1/(sec-cm**2-ster-MeV)
0.57-1.78 MeV
3.40-17.6 MeV
22.0-31.0 MeV

CRS(6-hr) Proton fluxes (1/(sec-cm**2-ster-MeV))
3.000-4.600 MeV
4.600-6.200 MeV
6.200-7.700 MeV
7.700-12.800 MeV
12.800-17.900 MeV
17.900-30.000 MeV
30.000-48.000 MeV
48.000-56.000 MeV
74.471-83.661 MeV
132.834-154.911 MeV
154.911-174.866 MeV
174.866-187.713 MeV
187.713-220.475 MeV
220.475-270.050 MeV
270.050-346.034 MeV

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
Y-axis Scale: Show uncertanties for mag data (after 1989):
Character size(0.5-2.0): Symbol Size(0.1-4.0):
Plot Symbol: Image size (pixels) X: Y:


If you have any questions/comments about OMNIWEB system, contact:
Dr. Natalia Papitashvili, Space Physics Data Facility, Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility